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Why You Should Subscribe ‘Watchful Consumers’ Magazine?

Consumers love to buy new products, from toys to furniture and electronics to sports equipment. But how can we make sure that the toys kids play with aren’t harmful? That the coolest new high-tech device won’t overheat and catch fire? That the latest wonder cleaner doesn’t give off toxic fumes? Each year, millions of people around the world are seriously injured because of dangerous products. These devastating injuries highlight the stakes when it comes to product safety. Every human-being of this world is a consumer. Though, consumers play a vital role in the economic system of a nation, yet the consumers in India are mostly illiterate and ignorant. Neither they understand their legal rights, nor they are united. They have to remain at the mercy of businessmen; hence they are exploited by some of the manufacturers, traders and service providers. On the other hand, producers and traders are organized and powerful. In order to maximize profits, many businessmen exploit consumers by supplying poor quality, defective, inferior and substandard goods and poor service at higher prices. They adopt unfair trade practices such as adulteration, black-marketing, etc. As a result consumers do not get value for their money. Big business houses use their power for private gain and to the detriment of consumers. Some businessmen give misleading information about quality, safety and utility of products. Many consumers are misled by false advertisement because they do not know the real quality of advertised goods. Hence, they are exposed to physical, environmental and other hazards due to adulteration and contamination in the food products. There is increasing supply of duplicate products in the market and it is very difficult for an ordinary consumer to distinguish between a genuine product and its imitation. He pays the price for the original but gets a substandard product. So, it is necessary to protect consumers from such exploitation and a system is required to protect them from unscrupulous businessmen. There is a mechanism to prevent misleading advertisements, fraudulent, unethical and monopolistic trade practices. Consumers can be protected from spurious, duplicate and adulterated products, pollution of air, water and noise, and misleading advertising if they are aware of their legal rights, Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies and Consumer Protection Act, 1986. ‘Watchful Consumers’ magazine highlights some of the leading issues in the battle to protect consumers, counterfeit and fraud measures to second-hand goods and market surveillance. ‘Watchful Consumers’ magazine protect the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death caused by consumer goods, offering practical solutions to stakeholders up and down the supply chain – from designers to retailers – in a bid to create a safer world for all.

Since its inception, ‘Watchful Consumers’ magazine has been providing information about empowering consumers to protect themselves. We cover all types of consumers in this magazine i.e. consumers of goods and services, purchasers, mortgagors and lessees of immovable property and consumers of the financial market. ‘Watchful Consumers’ is to hold the most powerful governmental and corporate factions accountable, and to do so, we will report on a wide and varied range of issues. ‘Watchful Consumers’ highlights the issues of those thousands of people
who fell ill in India every year because of adulteration, contamination in the food items, vegetables, fruits, potable water and pollution in the air. Its concern is also to empower the women folks because they are better placed to face the challenges of consumerism. Women and children are one of the major segments of the consumers, so without educating them in this area our social and economic growth is virtually impossible in society. This magazine reaches to the national readers in a smartly designed full-color format, printed on recycled paper.

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